I've got a green cotton panel filter mate, got it with my dpf delete so it's been mapped to suit, it seems to let the car spool up a little quicker, but not much. It's ok, but i think performance gain will be minimal
Ive got K&N Panel Filter fitted the other day and car seems to Spool abit quicker , Carnt test it properly with all this ice around
The reason why i think ive seen a bigger difference is the old paper filter i took out was filthy and wasnt letting hardly any air through ,Old owner has obviously never heard of taking them out and cleaning cr4p out
I've got a green cotton panel filter mate, got it with my dpf delete so it's been mapped to suit, it seems to let the car spool up a little quicker, but not much. It's ok, but i think performance gain will be minimal
You have had a lot going on there, it is more likely the DPF delete that is giving the faster spool up -a green panel also has an edge over the other types too.
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