Overheating, Alternative Suspects ?

Agent Cooper

Long story short, Two instances in stop/start labouring this week where car overheated. First time to 120°C, second time controlled back to 90°C by cooking the cockpit (Aircon to Hi). Today got in hotter situation with stop/start and car was fine :confused:

Ways to check water pump? Mine IS a metal impeller item (From VWSpares, albeit 35K ago)

Fans, cables, switches - How to check ?

Seen a thread about a sender from the AirCon not kicking a fan in. Coincidence that there appears to be no refrigerant in system any more ???

Any other ideas or physical checks I should be doing ?
I will eventually go see my local main dealer but at 114K and 6 years I'm loathed to throw money at this....


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Agent Cooper

Will check that ta... Problem occured when hot Idling, i.e. standing traffic. Not observed since??? Will sit her it at 2500rpm stationary for 5 minutes and see what happens. Going to replace coolant and see what gets flushed out too.

Agent Cooper

Late post but Thanks all. It was the inboard 30A fuse in the battery fuse box. Fuse was actually fine but plastic around it had melted so contact was poor :(
Fans behaving now !!! ARB Bushes and Stereo still to sort.....
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