I saw bits of the TSR2 which they rolled out at a Cranfield show once, they got some of the parts. Those airshows are strictly illegal now with the low fly directly over the crowds fighter jets. Woke the good people of Cranfield up as well.
Use to get the sonic bangs at times at home. Living close to Cranfield experimental aircraft would come over, so the story went. The 60s. The TSR2 was the end of going it alone on fighter development.
Think l built a model EE once, balser wood, still got it. You'd have a little cannister "engine" which clipped underneath, you'd fill with pellets, light up, lots of smoke and it wouldn't fly

. The weight ratio thrust wasn't right. Kids got it easy these days with their drones

Father had a lecture about driving round Silverstone once. In those days the locals would
help themselves to the track. Lack of fencing. He was a WW2 flying boat flight engineer so obviously did all his car mechanics himself. Block and tackle in the garage, soaking stuff in petrol on the kitchen table. Second hand police cars was his forte. Old Rovers and Wolseys. Buy them secondhand and they became the family car. No Hiding place vehicles for anyone into their TV series. He lamented the end of the proper chassis from those cars to what followed.
Got some of his flying boat engine workshop manuals. Own notes from the training classes in India. Arrived in India and said your on flying boats and your a flight engineer once you pass the training. He took some photos of the base in Sri Lanka and elsewhere. Wings being walked on, tractors pulling them out of the sea. On the mail service from Ceylon to Singapore, all stations on route, dropping the odd spy off on the water so he said. They would wait about till they got to shore then take off... bit of a noise one suspect. That was Indonesia where they would drop people off. They did also go surfing in Sri Lanka at the base. Got pictures of the surf board... 1940s style, made their own. They did selfies as well. That one isn't new. Jaunts into Bombey, Calcutta. Burma etc... Downside they wouldn't let the service men come home after the war with partition looming. They had to stay out longer in case they were needed. Then back to blighty and family life.