I've got a 54 reg Cupra which has started making a dodgy noise when it's being started up from cold... It's a screeching sound like the bearings in the 2 fans in front of the radiator are on their way out but i've had a look and these aren't turning when it makes the noise. After about 30 seconds and i assume when the choke knocks off i can hear it settle down and disappear. Sometimes it'll kick back in for a few seconds when it's idling as well. Any ideas? I know there's loads of stuff on here about dodgy fans and fuses but as i said the front 2 are definitely not spinning when it makes the noise and i can't think what else it could be. I've got it booked into a dealers next week but i know what Seat Dealers are like and will probably tell me it's normal when it blatantly isn't.