You know that slightly uncontrollable surge of power you get from coming on boost? Well I seemed to be missing exactly that today when out in the car
Last week I felt I needed to be slightly heavier with the right foot to get the response I would normally expect by driving the car as i usually do. Because it happened in the week on the work journey I didnt think anything of it and it could have been normal but I just got the feeling something wasn't right. My instinct prove right as the engine management light came on the following day for about 2 days and then the coil packs failed. Or should I say 2 of them did according to the AA man. Even after replacing the 2 packs at the side of the road (costing £90!) the light stayed on anyway. The guy told me it should go off soon.
Anyway, after doing some research I found that coils are prone to going in quick succession so today i got the other two replaced to save any roadside antics that may have occurred. Again the EML has stayed on but i was told that really i would need to disconnect the battery or get a machine to turn the light off.
I was driving enthusiastically on the way home and the car felt sound. coming on boost the way it would usually. however, after about half hour, whilst simply accelerating slowly for 60-70ish in 6th it felt again like i had to be a little heavy with the right foot. after coming to a roundabout and giving it the full beans in second and third there was a distinct lack of boost! Not ideal! With the traction control off the wheels didnt spin up in second in the wet and definately would have normally.
I dont know if maybe after a while the car reigns in the power a little to save itself of injury if there is something else not right?
Any ideas?
(Hope you like the short novel I have just wrote!)
Last week I felt I needed to be slightly heavier with the right foot to get the response I would normally expect by driving the car as i usually do. Because it happened in the week on the work journey I didnt think anything of it and it could have been normal but I just got the feeling something wasn't right. My instinct prove right as the engine management light came on the following day for about 2 days and then the coil packs failed. Or should I say 2 of them did according to the AA man. Even after replacing the 2 packs at the side of the road (costing £90!) the light stayed on anyway. The guy told me it should go off soon.
Anyway, after doing some research I found that coils are prone to going in quick succession so today i got the other two replaced to save any roadside antics that may have occurred. Again the EML has stayed on but i was told that really i would need to disconnect the battery or get a machine to turn the light off.
I was driving enthusiastically on the way home and the car felt sound. coming on boost the way it would usually. however, after about half hour, whilst simply accelerating slowly for 60-70ish in 6th it felt again like i had to be a little heavy with the right foot. after coming to a roundabout and giving it the full beans in second and third there was a distinct lack of boost! Not ideal! With the traction control off the wheels didnt spin up in second in the wet and definately would have normally.
I dont know if maybe after a while the car reigns in the power a little to save itself of injury if there is something else not right?
Any ideas?
(Hope you like the short novel I have just wrote!)