new member needs help please


hi guys and girls i have just bought a cordoba 97 1.9diesel and its faultless apart from the aircon not working.
so i checked fuse 19 under wheel blown so replaced that
checked the 25a fuse near battery that was blown so changed that
still nothing
so i removed the plug from the drier in wheel arch
so then put a direct wire to the conpressor and it worked
but not without direct feed
does any 1 have any ideas also it blown 2 fuses from near the battery
is 25amp correct for that ???
any help would be appriectiated
thanks dan


Hi have you checked the switch it may not be passing the power through to the motor


hi yep the power is getting through and popping the fuse near the battery as soon as i push the button
thanks dan


Hi i have 2 fuses near the battery one is a 20amp and one is a 5 amp sorry electrics arent really my thing


Hi ye that's what I have but the 20a should be 25 and the fuse was blowing because someone had put the plug to the fan on upside down so it shorted now working. Lovely and cold
Cheers dan


Hi ye that's what I have but the 20a should be 25 and the fuse was blowing because someone had put the plug to the fan on upside down so it shorted now working. Lovely and cold
Cheers dan

Good its very satisfying when you find it and solve it
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