New keys


Enzo Ferrari next :-)
Nov 10, 2006
Right guys I have read loads on here about flip keys, new blades and changing the transponders but I have a normal key for the long haired general and she wants a flip key, so I know I need to buy a flip key to start then have the blade made but what about the transponder? I have opened the normal key and the only thing in there is a very small torpedo shaped object in the corner, is that the transponder? or am I barking up the wrong tree. She won't shut up about it and i want to get one sorted can anyone help? What should I pay for the change



2005 FR+ in Black Magic


Sold car - bought bike
Feb 10, 2007
Maidstone - Kent
I'm sure someone on here had some transponders for sale (like under a £5)

You should be able to get hold of a blade from eBoo, and probably the flip as well, but they're like gold dust from the searches i've done.

I don't think that you can take the old transponder out an put it in the new key tho, as it will just break.


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
You can change the transponder over but it has to be done carefully as it's glued in (yes the torpedo shaped glass tube, houses the transponder)

You just gently scratch away the glue either side until becomes loose, either using a small blade, pin or flat bladed screwdriver.

It should cost less than £50 to get a flip key sorted, dealer charges £150.
Although if you need the transponder coding or break one etc..then it will cost
you more unless you know someone or have VAG com.

I have 2 flips keys and one normal one now. All fully working and can start the car etc.. :)

PS - plenty of remotes on ebay, look at the VW ones. Safe bet is to get the 434Mhz, two button type.
Although have heard others being used ok. Search this forum for more answers.
Last edited:


Sold car - bought bike
Feb 10, 2007
Maidstone - Kent
PS - plenty of remotes on ebay, look at the VW ones. Safe bet is to get the 434Mhz, two button type.
Although have heard others being used ok. Search this forum for more answers.

Was looking myself, as I want a flip key, found one that is listed as 433.92 Mhz, does this make it 434 or 433?

Didn't realise that there was more than one freq. so glad it came up.


Northern Monkey
Sep 15, 2006
I think 434 seems to work regardless anyway.

Do a search for flip key and have a read up.

Chemical Al

Trollied Member
Apr 6, 2004
Craven Arms, Shropshire
you will need to get a hella key and it will need to be a 2 button as the boot key doesnt work on the leon although you can get and use a 3 button the 3rd one will do nothing


Guys, I have a 3 button flip key jobby, and programmed in to open doors etc:) but cannot get it programmed to start the car. Been to a couple of local Stealers but they say that it cannot be done beause of the 3 buttons. Are they just being a pain in the Ar*** or can't it be done?
Any advise appreciated.

Chemical Al

Trollied Member
Apr 6, 2004
Craven Arms, Shropshire
number of buttons has nothing to do with the way it starts the car. the 3 button one is fine for the leon but the "boot/trunk" button will do nothing.

they need to programe the transponder to the immobiliser (you may need a new virgin transponder for them to do it)


I paid £55.12 for a new LCR flip key in Feb this year from Dvid Cook Motors (Seat) in Oldham . They said the price had recently come down that price included £10 to program it.
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