Mysterious lean issue


Active Member
Oct 22, 2022
The Netherlands

I'm currently still checking what could be wrong with my car. (1.8t auq)

Fuel pressure is 2.8bars, fpr works (shoots up to 3 bars when vac line disconnected)
Also tested while revving, spikes to 3 bar when demanding extra fuel (as it should)
NO vacuum leaks

Vcds tells me in mvb 032 and 033 that idle fuel trims is 0.4% and partial 12.x%

If i reset trims stft spikes up instantly to ~+15%.

Weird thing is: when going WOT fuel trims go -20 almost.

Basic things like pcv/dv/hockey puck etc all have been addressed and fixed.

MAF readings spike up to 180 g/s but only at around 4k rpm and at redline its more like 140 g/s

Car is also stage 1 chipped, i don't know where. I am planning to go stage 2 but wanted to fix this issue first

Here's one of the logs i have done
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