motul 300 gear oil v redline gear oil


ever since i have owned my audi s3 i have had crunching gear changes from 1st to 2nd in the time between i have blown the box by shreading 3rd gear so i removed the box and had a complete overhall at great expense but the 1st to 2nd gear issue is still apparent, so i have done loads of resarch and so have changed cable ends re-set gear alignment about 3 times changed dog bone mount and done 2 gear oil changes 1st was morrisions fully synthetic then to motul 300 but the problem remains now i have come on here doing more reserch and found alot of people recomend redline gear oil is this a good oil and worth changing to even though the other 2 oils didnt change much (the motul oil made it better though)
i contacted the company who done my rebuild and there fantastic offering to pick the car up and fix the problem but id like to no wether the redline oil change would be worth it just before letting them have the car back as it might not be there fault?

cheers kev,


I went from the OEM gear oil to Redline just for no reason specific and I experienced some synch problems after. Specially when cold. So now Im going back to the OEM stuff. LCR 6speed.


so possibly mixed feelings towards different gear oils, prehaps im better off leaving it to the specialist to fix?


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
TBH if oil was going to fix your problem it would have done it already.
If it happened straight away it sounds like they didn't check the 1st to 2nd issue and just fixed the 3rd issue
Give it back to get it sorted before something else gets damaged.


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
sounds mechanical to me.. oil may ease it but I doubt it will fix an underlying issue.
If they have offered to sort it I would take that up instead of trying different oils.