Lush.. coil pack lasted 3 months..


So they replaced the 1 that went (cus thats all the warranty would cover) and i gets 2 miles down the road and.. judder.. judder..
Took it straight back and they have to argue the toss to see if they can get a whole pack instead of just a replacement 1.
Anyone know why they go? They just poor quality? Are there longer lasting coilpacks?


Yeh i did know that and told them but warranty would only cover the bust 1. Give the garage their due, they're trying to get a whole pack for me. I do hope so or it'll be like proving a point every time they send another down. I not sure if they're coming from a SEAT dealer or somewhere else tho.

East london20vT

Active Member
Oct 9, 2008
east london
I had the same problem, 1 went and replaced the one and the rest started going, I changed them all last night. got the parts from euro parts, now works fine.
Getting the last one off took some time, with the extra plate on it, What is that even for????


Yeh wish i'd done it meself now i know how easy it is but they under warranty still so..
Annoyin tho *****..


what sort of price would you expect to pay for a full set of coil packs unfitted?


Wants a mk2 GTI
Oct 3, 2005
what is a coil pack. sorry to be dim but keep hearing them mentioned in relation to uneven idling and mines a bit bumpy

East london20vT

Active Member
Oct 9, 2008
east london
Well i payed £75 but that was at trade price. I will try and explaing and if i am wrong i am sure some one will correct me!!!! On old cars you had a coil which then had the ignition leds going to each spark pug. on new cars each plug has its own coil which in controled by the ECU, i think that is correct.
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