lcr brake pads options help please!


Full Member
Dec 13, 2005
o.k my cars due a service in 300 miles and there not a lot on the front pads left theyve now covered 19600 miles is that quite good?
Anyway i dont want to take it to the dealers and get billed for new pads when i can do them myself and was thinking that if i need to renew them il obviously go for upgrades to standard pads that come on there now.
So my question is what are you all using and how do you rate them im after a pad that has excellent performance over standard,no squeal(annoys me)and less dust if no dust!
what are the prices too and best place to get them.


a.k.a James
Jun 12, 2005
J2 M5
That's becasue they're really the ones to go for and should fit your requirements pretty well.

I'm affraid though that they still produce dust.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)