Finally got round to taking some photos of my new motor and thought id post them up. Picked it up a couple of weeks ago and so far am over the moon with it! Was driving a 130pd golf before the leon and can feel there is more power from this and it feels like it's delivered much more smoothy but the handleing has impressed me the most, alot of fun on the back roads to work.
Only issues Ive had s far was the rear washer becomming disconnected in the boot and I replaced the font splitter when I picked it up. Theres also a rattling from the boot and I have no idea what it is or where it's coming from so f anyone havs any ideas just let me know.
Only other things im considdering at the moment are painting the calipers red, but not sure whether it will look a bit naf or not so wouldnt mind your thoughts on that and also if anyone has any advice if theyve had it remapped what they thought and did it effect your MPG too much as I do a fair few miles each week getting to work, hence the diesel machine.
Only issues Ive had s far was the rear washer becomming disconnected in the boot and I replaced the font splitter when I picked it up. Theres also a rattling from the boot and I have no idea what it is or where it's coming from so f anyone havs any ideas just let me know.
Only other things im considdering at the moment are painting the calipers red, but not sure whether it will look a bit naf or not so wouldnt mind your thoughts on that and also if anyone has any advice if theyve had it remapped what they thought and did it effect your MPG too much as I do a fair few miles each week getting to work, hence the diesel machine.
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