How Accurate is your trip computer?


Active Member
Sep 17, 2008
My trip computer was reading an average of 61.3....great I thought, but upon filling it up, I worked it out to be an average of 55.6 - roughly 9% out.

Is this about right, I wasn't expecting it to be 100% right! But was hoping to be only 3-5% out.


I don't know about actual mpg, but mine was telling me the other day that I had 0 miles left to go on my tank. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere and after sweating for another 10 miles found a petrol station and discovered that I had approximately another 5 litres still left.

Mind you I'd rather it was innaccurate that way rather than telling me I had 10 miles to go and promptly running out.


its pretty accurate i usually work my average mpg out from the litres i put in and milage i do but realy the trip comp is an guide with what u can do/have done. once it gets down to 0 miles i find at 65mph 5 gear on the motorway i can easily get 30+miles

hope this helps


Active Member
Jun 24, 2006
North of London
twice now i have been on the brink of conking out....once on the motorway with a range of 20 miles (amazing how quick that goes down with a flick of the right boot)...all of a sudden 5 miles on clock, and next turn off was 15 miles and next services was 25....grrr.....was shattin myself good and proper....

another time i done 10 miles reading ZERO just around town, and again i wa bricking it, was just waiting for ...cough...cough...splutter...dead.....but no, she done good and i made it...just driving at 10 mph!!!

so to answer your question....NO...they are always wrong!!

**note to self, dont let fuel get so low in future**