Help understanding logs (Maybe boost leak) - Videos included


Apr 9, 2006
Hey Guys
Just need your help understanding these logs. I've been told i have a boost leak which is causing my overfuelling problem, so have done some logs and could anyone tell me if it looks like i do.

The car won't rev past 3,500 rpm when on full throttle, not sure if the logs will make sense, have done three lots, also theres a link to two videos, one of the boost gauge and one of the rev counter when the problem occurs.

	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'002			
		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s
	0	1400	62.4	980	1050	0.4	1440	59.4	6.97	16.39
	0.8	1480	78.2	1450	1050	1.2	1520	88	10.66	28.28
	1.6	1600	94	1560	1210	2.11	1680	100.8	12.3	35.28
	2.51	1760	108.3	1680	1360	2.91	1840	116.5	13.94	45.33
	3.31	1960	128.6	1930	1550	3.71	2040	142.9	18.86	60.31
	4.11	2160	156.4	2020	1850	4.51	2280	166.9	24.6	74.89
	4.91	2440	176.7	2090	2190	5.31	2560	185.7	30.34	94.03
	5.71	2600	191.7	2120	2410	6.11	2720	191.7	25.83	101.89
	6.51	2760	191.7	2130	2470	6.91	2760	191.7	25.83	102.33
	7.29	2800	189.5	2130	2470	7.69	2720	191.7	25.42	103.22
	8.09	2880	191.7	2130	2380	8.49	2920	169.2	22.55	93.03
	8.89	2960	191.7	2120	2400	9.29	3040	188	24.6	129.64
	9.69	3000	191.7	2110	2380	10.09	3080	191.7	25.42	114.64
	10.49	2960	123.3	2120	2220	10.89	3080	188.7	24.6	113
	11.29	3240	181.2	2140	1990	11.69	3280	174.4	23.37	177.31
	12.09	3160	190.2	2100	2330	12.49	3200	116.5	15.17	42.81
	12.89	3240	190.2	2120	2240	13.29	3320	191.7	24.6	129.53
	13.71	3360	163.2	2110	2120	14.2	3360	186.5	25.42	119.83
	14.6	3360	183.5	2100	2270	15	3440	105.3	15.17	2.03
	15.4	3440	106.8	2120	2140	15.8	3440	187.2	25.42	110.58
	16.2	3640	161.7	2100	2090	16.6	3600	145.1	21.32	175.53
	17	3680	175.2	2120	2080	17.4	3600	182	24.6	128.72
	17.8	3680	191.7	2110	2110	18.2	3640	191.7	25.42	140.97
	18.6	3680	178.2	2120	2250	19	3720	191.7	25.01	145.64
	19.4	3720	191.7	2140	2220	19.79	3760	184.2	25.01	128.06
	20.19	3760	191	2120	2300	20.59	3800	191.7	25.42	142.22
	21	3640	36.1	980	1460	21.39	3360	6.8	1.23	0
	21.79	2760	6	980	1060	22.19	2160	7.5	0	3.25

	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'002			
		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s
	0	1520	88	1110	1210	0.4	1600	91	10.25	28.5
	0.91	1680	100	1620	1270	1.31	1760	106	12.71	38.03
	1.71	1840	117.3	1740	1440	2.11	1920	127.8	15.17	49.42
	2.51	2040	142.9	1990	1690	2.91	2160	158.6	21.73	71.47
	3.31	2280	169.2	2050	2060	3.71	2400	175.2	27.06	81.83
	4.11	2560	179.7	2120	2290	4.51	2720	177.4	29.11	88.61
	4.91	2840	180.5	2130	2310	5.31	2960	184.2	29.93	106.17
	5.71	3080	186.5	2140	2320	6.11	3200	187.2	30.34	112.58
	6.51	3320	185.7	2130	2280	7.01	3480	184.2	29.52	118.17
	7.4	3600	184.2	2130	2230	7.8	3720	182.7	29.52	126.17
	8.2	3800	185.7	2140	2180	8.6	3920	188	30.75	143.39
	9	4000	185	2140	2180	9.4	4120	181.2	29.52	145.25
	9.92	4280	180.5	2050	2120	10.32	3960	38.3	6.15	18.75

	Group A:	'115				Group B:	'002			
		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s
	0.01	1680	52.6	980	1050	0.4	1720	65.4	8.2	27.64
	0.8	1760	88	1680	1120	1.2	1840	99.2	12.3	38.14
	1.6	1920	112	1910	1360	2	2000	124.1	14.35	51.92
	2.4	2120	138.3	2030	1640	2.8	2240	150.4	20.09	67.78
	3.2	2320	163.2	2080	2000	3.58	2480	173.7	27.06	83.86
	3.98	2600	185.7	2120	2340	4.38	2720	187.2	30.34	97.72
	4.78	2840	190.2	2140	2420	5.18	3040	191.7	25.01	109.5
	5.58	2960	191.7	2140	2450	5.98	2880	191.7	26.65	103.22
	6.38	2960	191.7	2110	2260	6.78	3000	191.7	25.83	152.11
	7.18	2960	127.1	2110	2270	7.58	3080	191.7	26.24	141.94
	7.98	3040	191.7	2090	2460	8.38	3080	191.7	25.42	119.28
	8.78	3120	191.7	2110	2200	9.29	3080	149.6	20.09	0
	9.69	3120	191.7	2110	2410	10.09	3200	169.2	21.73	91.31
	10.49	3240	33.8	980	1410	10.89	3000	7.5	1.23	0.67
	11.29	3120	102.3	2160	1080	11.79	3280	188	25.01	134.56
	12.28	3200	186.5	2180	2390	12.68	3120	172.9	22.96	96.03
	13.1	3440	175.9	2190	2340	13.58	3280	191.7	26.65	144.47
	14.09	3280	191.7	2160	2420	14.49	3320	191.7	26.65	147.69
	14.89	3280	42.1	980	1470	15.29	3280	36.1	10.25	36.47
	15.69	3360	157.1	2190	1570	16.09	3400	191.7	26.24	130.36
	16.48	3280	191.7	2170	2400	16.89	3440	77.4	13.12	43.28
	17.28	3280	18.8	980	1160	17.68	3360	118	15.58	91.47
	18.09	3440	191.7	2040	2050	18.59	3480	190.2	25.01	107.14
	18.99	3400	186.5	2150	2370	19.39	3480	122.6	14.76	0
	19.88	2840	15	980	1210	20.28	2320	7.5	1.23	2.47

Rev Counter Video :
Boost Gauge Video :

Sorry for bad quality videos done off phone just to give you an idea of the problem.


Full Member
Oct 28, 2005
Actual is meeting requested so doesn't look like a boost leak. Any fault codes at all? The MAF looks a bit suspect to me, seems to be over reading, 177g/s at 3200rpm is a bit optimistic lol. Try unplugging the MAF and take it for a run.

Also try logging block 020 and 031.


Active Member
May 21, 2007
it sounds like misfiring.... which i dont think that is from boost leak

looks like MAF or Ignition prob...


Apr 9, 2006
will do 118 again this has been going on for months theres 0 cf's either so dont look like miss fire.

theres no fault codes at all and iv replaced

Spark plugs
coil packs

tested new n75 had all revo settings changed up and down makes no diffrance currently on HB6 T6
Dec 20, 2007
lol thats the noise mine makes, guy who works at midland VW instantly said plug gap. you running standard plugs ?


Apr 9, 2006
probs about couple of months can take em out but woldent know what to look for.

should i take them out and take a pic of one?


Apr 9, 2006
okay will wipe one out tonight and take a few pics.

know my sound silly but never got my head around it is the gap from the prong thing to the bit that sparks never really messures one before so dont know how to do it.
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