Bit hard to remember, on my 5 speed, you pull the leather gaiter up and cut the metal clip that gathers the gaiter leather on the metal rod & also holds the nob on to the rod, (memory is fuzzy for this).
The old nob leather is tucked in at the top by the plastic gear pattern disc, and at the bottom by a brittle chromed plastic ring, these will fight you and try to tempt you to snap them.
Remove the gash leather.
Get your new leather, look for the instructions, find they were never included.
The really hard part is getting the stitched seams to fall into the four vertical slots in the gear nob, else you get a lumpy nob. Once evened out the top leather gets tucked into the top of the nob by the gear pattern disc, and tucked in at the bottom by the chromed plastic ring.
Spend some time trying to get the leather to be trapped evenly.
Then the nob is pushed back on the rod, leather gaiter tucked back, and then held in place with a jubilee clip to replace the metal clip that you cut at the start.
The end result surprised me, it actually looks like a new knob.
The leather isn't perforated like the original, but looks fine compared to the original messed up one.