Front Suspension/Steering Creaking - LCR


California Bound
Hi all.

I was coming home tonight and a weird creaking noise has developed on my LCR (30k [:@]) at the front. It's either steering or front suspension related and is audible inside and oudside the car.

With the windows wound down, I can't hear much from the driver side, however from the passenger side it is quite loud and when all windows are up, the sound is coming from the centre or to the passenger side.

When driving in a straight line it creaks a fair amount but when turning the wheel left or right, it gets a heck of alot louder. I have narrowed out the front shocks...I pulling over and bouncing the car up and down on noise at all.

Does anyone know what this could be? Had a similar issue and can point me to the right place to look and what to look for exactly?

I will add that the handling capability and power delivery have not been affected, no knocks when turning or accelerating so I would think that engine mounts are ok (stock mounts).

Any info much appreciated!


LCR 225
Oct 24, 2007
se london
Check the front ARB, the bushes can go and then the mounts wear down the ARB, if so time for a new one.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Not too sure about this one

If its creaking driving straight it really means its to do with the wheels turning not really suspension side.
So look at CV joints, drive shafts and bearings


California Bound
For anyone that gets this same problem, I think I found what it was...and massive collection of road salt, grit and grime around the suspension parts from driving on gritted road. I stuck some weight in the car (i.e. Dad) and the creaking instantly went, so carried on for a bit of a drive and still no noise. I am only light so when I get in the car, it hardly has an effect on the suspension but the extra kg's must have loosened the crud. Anyway, I got home, jacked up the front and sprayed a hose under there to wash everything out, the puddles of water forming were disgusting from all of the grime coming off the underside of the car, I then took it for another drive to drain all the water still laying around and...touch noise still and it was -3/-4c last night.
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