Faulty stereo?


Hey everyone, experciencing problems with my head unit at the moment, yesterday everytime i turned off the radio/stereo it was turning its self back on within 10 seconds even with ignition off and keys out!big issue as everytime i would leave the car the stereo would be on causing the battery to drain!Cleaned out connections and refitted and seems okay now but dont trust it as far as i can throw it! Has anyone else suffered with this problem and how have u resolved it? cheers adam!:)


Cheers for that buddy and interesting to hear loads of other people seem to have had the problem aswell, so its just a common fault with diode going on motherboard. Seat wanted £100 to recon head unit so looks like u may have saved me some money, will ring them 2moz and then send it off 2moz!
Cheers again :D
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