I was hoping somebody could tell me which fault reader to buy for my 2003 Lcr. I was looking on ebay and spotted this : CTools Diagnostic Trouble Code Reader
for VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda Group Cars with a 16-pin diagnostic socket.
I e-mailed the seller to see if this would work on my lcr but he recommended this : VW AUDI SEAT SKODA Diagnostic Interface Cable KKL New
VAG-COM shareware software. Fault codes. Live data. USB.
Apparantley you download the vag com software and then connect your pc to the car via the cable and run the software. I don't have a laptop and I can't see me dragging my pc down to the garage everytime the fault light comes on. So does anybody know of a device that I can buy which will just hook up to the car and check and clear faults and where I can buy it from.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
I was hoping somebody could tell me which fault reader to buy for my 2003 Lcr. I was looking on ebay and spotted this : CTools Diagnostic Trouble Code Reader
for VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda Group Cars with a 16-pin diagnostic socket.
I e-mailed the seller to see if this would work on my lcr but he recommended this : VW AUDI SEAT SKODA Diagnostic Interface Cable KKL New
VAG-COM shareware software. Fault codes. Live data. USB.
Apparantley you download the vag com software and then connect your pc to the car via the cable and run the software. I don't have a laptop and I can't see me dragging my pc down to the garage everytime the fault light comes on. So does anybody know of a device that I can buy which will just hook up to the car and check and clear faults and where I can buy it from.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.