Electric Windows brackets broke - help?


Cordy speed freak
Apr 11, 2007
N. Wales
Hi again folks. Well it seems to be one thing after another in getting my car sorted. The latest problem is the electric window on the passenger door. I have a 1998 S reg 2 door Cordoba (6K2 chassis I think). My friend wound the window right down to speak to a friend after I had just collected my new bucket seats for the car, and when I tried to put the window back up there was a horrible crunching sound and the window didn't come up.

We stripped the door panelling off and noticed that the two brackets that move the window up and down had snapped (wonderful). I can't seem to find the part/s I want anywhere to do this, can these be replaced independently of the entire electric window assembly or do I have to buy the whole kit?

If anyone can possibly help with part numbers or pricing I'd be eternally grateful. Thanks in advance


Cordy speed freak
Apr 11, 2007
N. Wales
Bummer, I thought as much. I rang the nearest Seat dealership and you're right, its £90 plus VAT for the whole regulator kit. I'll have to ring them tomorrow and just check its the whole kit so no riveting needed and that it has the metal clamps cause I really don't want to be changing them again. Thanks guys


Got my drivers side off fleabay for £80 delivered.....worth a try.


Cordy speed freak
Apr 11, 2007
N. Wales
I cant seem to find the right one for my car on ebay any more. I used to see them floating round but not for a 98 2 door. Thanks anyway though, it was worth a look
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