hi all ive now worked out with the help from others that my dump valve and pipes connecting to it have been completly removed as i now want to refit a dump valve just wondering where the vaccum hose from the top of the dump valve gos into have found a little hose that has been blocked off and wondering if its this as pictured /?[URL=http://s1325.photobucket.com/user/mg1zr/media/IMAG1013_zps9dac839e.jpg.html]
and just to check does the dump valve go where orange arrow is pointing and the recirculating hose going from dump valve go where blue arrow is pointing ? [URL=http://s1325.photobucket.com/user/mg1zr/media/pho_zps904e4f20.png.html] [/URL]
and just to check does the dump valve go where orange arrow is pointing and the recirculating hose going from dump valve go where blue arrow is pointing ? [URL=http://s1325.photobucket.com/user/mg1zr/media/pho_zps904e4f20.png.html] [/URL]