Yep my wife's FR TFSI has this too. What's more annoying is that total strangers and non car buff's tend to mention it more, even the effing postman has put his oar in now! Probably why he doesn't pitch up till nearly 10:30am every day, too busy scrutinising people's cars on his round the silly *****.
I called the dealer we got the car from and he knew straight away what I was explaining. He said he had already had 4 cars back in and they just gently rub the hubs down t remove any loose paint and then use smooth silver hammerite and it's good for years. Apparently it's not a warranty item as it hasn't impaired their performance?? It's a bit like saying dont worry about the rusty body work sir it still drives nicely.
When it gets warmer they will get some attention as it does marr the affect of the 18" alloys that we all paid extra for....