was the reading taken after the car was at a standstill for a long period?
for engines abouts this size id not receommend putting in 2 litres at a time, but then im sure you dont need telling this now.
Now, this is where you may feel a bit better:
The dip stick has a shaded area to indicate the prefered volume of oil. Above and below this (if i remember corectly) there are folds in the dipstick.
After looking into this for previous similair questions i did find some information that indicated that the shaded area idicates the recommended min and max levels, but the folds are the outside and actual limits. But with no margins. Therefore if you are within this range you are probably ok, however id still recommend losing a bit.
However you could have burnt a bit off and it was even higher at some point!
Other things to check are:
Is it possible you did not use the dip stick correctly originally? ie you pushed dip stick in but not fully, perhaps the handle of the dipstick was not aligned correctly with the tube and therefore you got a false low reading?
Or is the dip stick ok? sounds funny, but is the handle not loose?
Or.. where the readings taken on level ground on a cool engine?