Cupra Leon 310 security


Active Member
Jul 6, 2024
Hi folks, hope all is well.

Coming from an Abarth, which had no factory security fitted I have learned to be very security focused with my cars.

I picked up my nice 73 plate VZ2 Wednesday and just wondered what others are doing in terms of security. I appreciate that if someone is truly after your car, they will take it but there are ways to make it less attractive. Horrible really, as you want to make yours less attractive so they move on and nick someone else's.

I live in a good area of Birmingham and we are finding insurance companies refusing to offer terms around here, and not just on performance models. Wife struggled getting insurance on her Leon 1.4 TSI FR as some insurance companies wont offer cover regardless due to the B in the postcode.

I have insurance, gap insurance, the old disclock and we even have the bollards on the drive....crazy.

The Abarth owners also used to use OBD locks, as bar the deadlocks there was nothing on the Abarths. Anyone here use an OBD lock of some form?

I understand these cars have a TC approved alarm and immobiliser so that is a good start.

Anyone using ghost / pandora or similar?

Be interesting to hear your thoughts. I am 42 with clean licence and no points so hardly the typical racer type. I have a good long history of sporty / hot hatch cars also.


Active Member
Jun 11, 2023
Personally I have only heard very good things about Ghost but nothing on pandora.

I have also heard (long time ago it has to be said) that if your car is obviously non standard then it is less likely to be stolen (as it's easier for the old bill to spot) but that's obviously not a statistically proven theory.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2024
I may go down the ghost route with it shortly as you only hear good things about them. Perhaps look at a tracker also but I have heard online stories of these being taken out, once the thieves have scanned for them.

Pandora were a big provider used in the Abarth scene along with Ghost. Never had one myself.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2024
I have been still using my old Disklok as it is still the best mechanical lock you can buy. There is even a new stronger gold version available now.
Yes my disklok is always on if I'm not in the car, regardless of where I am or how long


Active Member
May 26, 2014
In addition to fitting physical security devices on the car, something that can be overlooked when considering minimising the risk of vehicle theft is home security.

There've been a number of theft instances reported on the VW Golf R forum over the years where the owner’s home has been broken into to steal the car keys, even for cars with keyless (kessy) entry. @adamski310 - with this in mind it might reviewing your home security; checking your home door locks are the anti-snap type and if not, upgrading them, plus fitting additional security locks to your windows. Car thieves prefer working in the dark to minimise the risk of being seen, so it might also be worth considering installing outside security lighting and CCTV coverage and a video door bell if you don’t have these.

If you have a garage that’s large enough to accommodate your car but the garage is used as a dumping ground for other items, consider clearing it out so you can garage your car. Most car owners in the area where I live keep their £150 lawn mower securely locked in the garage but leave their £30k-plus car in full view outside their home. Although I’m fortunate enough to live in a low crime area, IMHO out of sight is out of mind and I always garage my car (my lawn mower is kept in my shed).

Lastly, if the worst does happen, having GAP insurance is worth considering if you don’t already have it, so if your insurance company makes some derisory low-ball offer in the event of your car being stolen, then GAP insurance should help offset any monetary shortfall between the insurance company offer and what it would cost for you to replace your car with a similar one of the same age and spec.
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Active Member
Jul 6, 2024
Yeah, I have home security sorted. Hard wired kinetic CCTV, I also have the blink system ring doorbell camera, front and back cameras with flood lights (in addition to the hardwired flood lights) and internal house cameras. Lock smith sorted doors and locks a while ago. Also have the bollards they would have to take down on the drive. Fully comp and gap also sorted the same day.
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Cupra Leon VZ2 300/CBF1000
Apr 25, 2014
Edinburgh (Scotland)
Yeah, I have home security sorted. Hard wired kinetic CCTV, I also have the blink system ring doorbell camera, front and back cameras with flood lights (in addition to the hardwired flood lights) and internal house cameras. Lock smith sorted doors and locks a while ago. Also have the bollards they would have to take down on the drive. Fully comp and gap also sorted the same day.
Well I think you are well sorted as I have CCTV and flood lights and extra locks too, but no bollards or ring doorbell cam, and my SEAT Cupra's and CUPRA Leon have been untouched for all the last 20+ years.
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Active Member
Apr 25, 2019
A friend's son (in London) bought a new Jeep Wrangler last year. Only had it a couple of weeks and it was stolen never to be seen again. Insurance paid for another one, he had a Ghost immobiliser fitted and used a visible lock on the steering wheel. thieves then cut the steering wheel to remove the lock but couldn't start the car so he still has it...and at £1000 for a new wheel its currently taped up!
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