Cupar R starting issues


Active Member
Feb 19, 2019
Afternoon all..
Owner of a 2003 Leon Cupar R from new. Never had problems starting it in all weathers. Couple of weeks back, moved vehicle a few yards and then it wouldn’t fire a few hours later. This has happened a couple of times previous, with the engine cold or warm. Called out recovery and they couldn’t get it to start and suggested fuel pump. Went to start next morning and fired! Garage had it for 2 days and basically did nothing but turn the key! Having read similar threads, the fuel pump does prime when key is turned. It’s also had a new Bosch battery recently, full service 7 months previous, spark plugs not changed for few years but recovery said that if it was spark plugs, it would indicate on diagnostics? Anyhow another 2 weeks down the line and after no problems, with fuel kept constant above halfway, starting problems again today on a warm engine?! Any input appreciated..apologies for war and peace! 🤓🚘🔧


Active Member
Dec 20, 2009
Warm engine start problems are often the crankshaft sensor, although for me it lit up the EPC light when trying to start.
Get a genuine Bosch one.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2011
Yeah i'd say intermittant issue with the fuel pump, fuel pump relay, or like Alexis says crankshaft sensor. They are about the only 3 things that can cause a crank and no start on these cars, (other than immobiliser or ecu issues, which are unlikely in this case imo) as the ignition system has 4 independent coilpacks.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2020
When brother in laws R had suspected fuel pump issues he used to tip the rear seats forward and give the fuel pump access panel a few good whacks and it would start every time!
It might get you out of trouble if you're stuck somewhere.

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there is a potential issue where you start the car for only a few seconds where it goes overloaded with fuel. Happened to my cupra once. i have to pull the fuel relay and turn it over a good few times to clear. the fuse back and it was ok.
but not sure this is the issue you have!


Active Member
Feb 19, 2019
Thanks all for your replies, I initially thought problem was fuel driven and thought I’d cracked it with keeping fuel at half a tank, as no issues since recovery call out. Today though.. driven, parked up 2hrs, driven, parked up 1hr then failed to fire! Managed to get it going after numerous attempts!
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)