Complaint Procedure ???


Hi guys,

Hopefully someone can help me . . . having some trouble with C&L in Bury and Seat UK "Customer Service".

On Sunday i went to change my wheels front to back and on one side when putting the rear wheel back on i got two bolts in and then went to do the rest (this is by hand by the way) they wouldn't go in.

So i took the wheel back off and tried again same thing. Phone Seat Assistance an they sent the AA out, who repaeated the process with no luck. Their diagnostic was that the nuts probably had been previoulsy overtightened and damaged the thread on the hub. I then had the car taken to C&L in Bury on Monday morning for an inspection.

That afternoon got a phone call from C&L "You will need a new hub sir, £200 +VAT"
I asked why, and had the response was "the bolts have been crossed threaded".

I am now in discussion with Seat UK trying to argue that it wasn't me who cross threaded them when i was trying to put them back in by hand. And that it must of been a previous problem. (Since taking ownership of the car the wheels have never been off, and the car was bought as a Ex-Seat UK car).

Got no where with Dealer or Seat UK. "Sorry sir, this must of happened when you where swapping the wheels over, this is not covered by your warranty, you will need to pay to have this problem fixed" was bacially the reply i got. No, we'll see what we can do for you, but its your fault you pay sir.

To make things even worse my other half is due to give birth in 2days and when the Seat UK assistance hire car runs out i will be car-less unless i pay for the problem to be rectified.

Any one have any ideas how i can pursue this and try and get Seat UK to resolve the issue? or how to follow the case up after i have paid for the problem to get fixed (as this is what is going to happen to ensure i have transport just in case the baby comes) to try and get a refund for the work.

Any help would be much appreciated




17 views and not 1 reply . . . ?? :think::confused:

Quick Update: I authorised the work to be carried out as i need the car so the route now is to pursue a refund for the work. A case file has been set-up regarding the issue but it doesn't seem to be moving very quickly, any ideas on how to speed the process up?
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Looking up at the stars!
May 19, 2001
Reading your description is only one side of the story so I can't be judgmental against the dealer or SEAT. Playing devils advocate, I would say its a case of their word against yours to be honest.

You chose to swap the wheels, you could of requested the dealer to do this for you. I acknowledge their may of been a small charge for this service but then you have proof it was nothing to do with you.

There is of course every likelihood the hubs were damaged either by the previous owner, or by either a technician or tyre replacement outlet banging them on with an air ratchet without screwing them in by hand first.

If they won't pay for the repair you could always try bargaining with them to meet you half way.

The only thing you can do is keep on at SEAT customer services, back this up in writing for the attention of the customer services manager at SEAT HQ. Stressing the fact this was one of their registered cars before you took ownership.

Yeomans Drive,
Milton Keynes
MK14 5AN
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Reading your description is only one side of the story so I can't be judgmental against the dealer or SEAT. Playing devils advocate, I would say its a case of their word against yours to be honest.

You chose to swap the wheels, you could of requested the dealer to do this for you. I acknowledge their may of been a small charge for this service but then you have proof it was nothing to do with you.

There is of course every likelihood the hubs were damaged either by the previous owner, or by either a technician or tyre replacement outlet banging them on with an air ratchet without screwing them in by hand first.

If they won't pay for the repair you could always try bargaining with them to meet you half way.

The only thing you can do is keep on at SEAT customer services, back this up in writing for the attention of the customer services manager at SEAT HQ. Stressing the fact this was one of their registered cars before you took ownership.

Yeomans Drive,
Milton Keynes
MK14 5AN

Thanks for your reply, some very useful tips. And the Address will come in handy.



Hi Ashley
You are not alone in problems with Seat.
In June I took delivery of an Exeo ST petrol sport (delivered after 4 months not the promised
3 months) from Stoneacre in Doncaster. I had taken test drives with other garages but Stoneacre got the order for faster delivery.
There was and is a problem with a rough gear selector (which Stoneacre can't find) but the main problem is the cabin roof height. I ordered the car with a sunroof not knowing that this would reduce the interior height by 2-2.1/2''. There is nothing in Seat or Stoneacre literature to indicate this is so. Unfortunately this means that I am unable to use the full height or upright positions of the driver's seat
which results in discomfort to my leg and back. I have had a number of sunroof cars in the past and never the slightest problem with the height (e.g. Ford Granada and Scorpio) so it did not occur to me to ask about the cabin height.
Originally Stoneacre were sympathetic and offered to replace the car without a sunroof or with a Ford from their Group but this was withdrawn when they realised the massive drop in value of an almost-new Seat Exeo ST. To sell the car privately would cost me perhaps £9,000.
Seat assistance wash their hands of it saying my contract is with the dealer not with them.
While it is true that the car was supplied as ordered I believe I have been misled by Seat in that certain seating positions are unusable when a sunroof is installed and the cabin height reduction is substantial and should be pointed out be Seat in their literature.
Am I being unreasonable in again asking Seat to take this car back?
Any advice appreciated.

Mr Cellotape

AKA Mr Ribbed
May 9, 2006
Warwickshire once.
If your unnable to use the car because you do not fit then your hardly being unreasonable in requesting that it is replaced with an alternative.

You bought the car in good faith expecting to fit and have since found different. As long as you have put no further miles on the clock I can see no reason why the dealer can argue against taking it back in exchange for an identical non sunroof model.

You may wish to address your letter to Peter Wyhinny, but good luck with getting a response, according to SEAT UK Peter doesn't speak to or meet with people......(WHAT A LOAD OF B@LL@CKS SEAT UK SPEAK).


Exeo st non-fit

Hi Cellotape.
Thanks for the message. Trouble is Seat don't seem to think like that.
Seat are thinking bottom line, small print, falling car values.
Anyway I'll try your suggestion.
Will let you know.

Mr Cellotape

AKA Mr Ribbed
May 9, 2006
Warwickshire once.
Read the sale of goods act. I think in your case the argument will be is the vehicle "fit for purpose".
If you cannot fit into the vehice then the answer is no.

Did you sit in a car with a sunroof prior to ordering? If the answer is no then surely you should be offered the opportunity to change the vehicle to the non-sunroof alternative.

Link of facts enclosed below.



Hi Matt
Have recently disposed of a Skoda Octavia VRS (after 6 years, best car I ever had)
with a sun roof absolutely no problems with that. In fact my experience with the Seat
is the first time any such problem., I didn't have a clue that a sunroof might reduce the
cabin height.
Live and learn!
Genuine SEAT Parts and Accessories.