Car Got Vandelised Last Night!!!!


Extreme Blue
Feb 9, 2005
Nothing serious! :(

Got woke up this morning by my dad shitting himself... :cry:

Said hurry up come have a look at whats happened to your car... :? :cry:

Went out to see this... :shock:

Looks like its the bloke from down the road that i had a run-in with last week!! :evil: :twisted: :twisted:

So my dad said to find out who did it then bide my time,pretty gutted though! :cry: :twisted: :cry: :cry: :cry:








Extreme Blue
Feb 9, 2005
Eggs n flour by the looks and smell of it!

Pathetice that a 40 odd year old man feels the need to act this way!


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
At least you can hose it off then... the clear stuff looked like glue.

maybe you should pop by with a bag of flour & box of egss & ask him if he dropped it on his way home the other night.


Extreme Blue
Feb 9, 2005
Luckily i had just spend all saturday polishing it!

Was gonna post some of my "just washed" pictures through his door!

Triple D

At first it looked like someone had :w4nk: ed over it:redface: . Get some paint stripper a tip that sh*t all over his car or get a paintball grenade and post that through his letter box. That'll teach him a lesson not to mess with seat owners.
Its pathetic what some people will do, considering they are suppose to be adults.


Extreme Blue
Feb 9, 2005
First thing i thought was paint stripper but:

A) If he does it back i would literally cry my eyes out,
B) Lowering myself to his level!

Triple D

Dodson said:
First thing i thought was paint stripper but:

A) If he does it back i would literally cry my eyes out,
B) Lowering myself to his level!
Yeah good points, paintball grenade it is then:lol:
Paint stripper is more permanent than what he did, you don't want to start an "I can do better than him" war with your cars :no:. Just leave him to his own f**ked up little world and maybe keep an eye out for him doing it again, then get some pics of him caught in the act...


Back older greyer and less oilier but always hope
Jun 19, 2001
cordobabrendy said:
nail under the tyre...oopsy!
him under the tyre if it was round ere :)

i find 5L of unleaded poured on the hallway carpet and an burnt out box of matches left on the mat a lot more effective

seems to freak em out for some reason - last time i saw it done as a hint the house was empty next day ??? ;)
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Full Member
Sep 25, 2004
East of Eden
What a total ****** the guy must be! My first reaction would be a bit of brake fluid in a water pistol onto his bonnet, but then again, the best thing to do is to nothing and just keep an eye out for him.

Ant FR

Full Member
Feb 15, 2005
sorry , but i'd be down there pinning the fooker against the wall.

To mess with someones car shows that he has no bollocks anyway so he's hardly gonna be hard ****er, plus flour and eggs, what is he 10 yrs old.

Get round there and warn him off, he'll probbaly **** himself anyway.


Back from the dead
Keep your photographic evidence, then get up to Aldi as they are selling colour security cameras for 25 notes. Stick it on the front of your house in a discrete place and keep it tuned in to a video on LP at night. As said above, report it to the police so its on record, and state that you cannot be 100% certain who did it, but if its not on record its not admissable in court later on.

Every time you see the guy laugh at him. If he thinks he's getting to you he'll have achieved his gameplan. Make it seem like you don't give a shiney sh1te!

He'll be wanting you to feel like you've learned your lesson - he may even try to retaliate again, but with a camera up you can just take the moral high ground and shaft him later on.


Leon Cupra 300R
Jun 3, 2004
Walk up to his house ring the bell, as soon as he answers smack the fecker in the nose so he cant see then kick his knee to drop him to the floor, as he drops to the floor knee him in the face and put his two front teeth in the back of his face. That’s the best answer but may get you into trouble.

Just be greatful he didn’t damage the car in anyway as the way most people work. I bet he doesn’t care about his car either so doing the same back would be pointless. But maybe a taxi at 3am to take him to the airport may be an idea?

Feel for you man as a mate paint balled my cars windows as a joke about 10 min before I was off to take photos of it! I wasn’t a very happy person


Full Member
Mar 28, 2004
does he drive a heap of junk ?

if so buy a car like his get plates up the same as his and drive through every speed camera in the land.