Bomber County Automotive Car Meet


Active Member
Jun 11, 2023
Monthly Vehicle (this is a static meet for any sort of vehicle) breakfast meet.

Starts at 09:30 - 9th June
Location The W.A.V.E Sleaford Road (a15) Lincoln LN5 9FG
Only last for 2 hours

You are also next to RAF Waddington so you might even get to see some aircraft take off/land.

Anybody with anything (Cars, Bikes, Trucks, Vintage, Custom etc etc) is welcome to this meet - My first visit but looks like fun based on the last Youtube Video.

From the advert.
A monthly automotive breakfast social meet for like-minded enthusiasts and petrolheads! We welcome all motors, 2, 3 or 4 wheels! Classic, Americana, Modified, Custom, Sports & Super Cars, Bikes, Trikes & Scooters! Everyone & anything is welcome!
A superb range of hot & cold food, snacks, hot beverages & refreshments are served on site, NOW ACCEPTING CARD PAYMENTS.
The W.A.V.E. is a family friendly venue, dogs are welcome please keep them on leads at all times & pick up after them, drinking water for dogs is provided. There are free toilet facilities available on site.
Polite Notice: This is a static social meet on M.O.D. land, please park sensibly and enjoy the facilities responsibly. Anyone behaving in an anti-social manner will be reported to the Police.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)