I've been having problems with my CEL light coming on for some time now! Seat have had my car in to fix it serveral times! They've replaced fuel pressure regulators, what i believe the very nice lady at barlows decribed as the throtle body butterfly, new wiring loom (?) etc etc. Now my warranty is up on the 14th of june this year and i'm worried they'll never get to the bottom of it before then! What can i do? Thinking about buying vag com and checking for errors once a week or so, as some of these errors don't bring the CEL light on but things like low fuel pressure obvisously are serious!!!!! Has anyone got any advice on what to do if things aren't sorted with the new ecu? Should i contact Seat UK and demand one of their technicians take a look? What are my options? Do they have to sort things within a given time scale by law! I'm was even more peeved this time when it went in as i was informed that they had sold all of the courtsey cars so i couldn't have one (which to me sounded more like we've booked them all out and which confirmed by the valleter who gave me a lift home in the parts van LOL).