Altea Service



It's a well covered subject but looking for up to date experiences of good dealer servicing in South Manchester / Stockport / Cheshire.

My XL 1.9 TDI is due a 20k service, so far looking at:

Lookers Stockport [very local but a few reservations based on experience buying the car from them and whether I feel inclined to swell their coffers any further] :banned:

LC Charles Crewe [generally good reviews and I can wait while it is done]

IMG Warrington [ok I think?]

I want to keep it in the dealer network for the warranty, and most of all as I am keeping the car long term and taking it to high mileage I want to be able to drive it away 110% confident that all the oil, filters etc have been changed, and not just that the car has been washed!

Any quick up to date advice appreciated here - service due very soon!


LC Charles

LC Charles for me.

Like you I wanted to keep car dealer serviced, but others wre offerring cheaper prices. Cooks quoted £149 for 20k service. I phoned LC Charles and asked if they would price match - they did and serviced the car whilst I waited.

Really pleased with the service - everything was done, which included a wiring harness recall, which they told me about when I booked. All service team were very good and seemed knowledgeable.

They did also valet the car, somethng that I was worried about as I'm a bit of a detailing nut and was worried about swirl marks etc, but it was done really well and carefully.

So all in a good experience.:)


Cheers for that -
Prices so far:
LC Charles Crewe £237 [gulp!]

Lookers Stockport £209

IMG Warrington £197

Will try DC and see if I can get LC Charles to match like you did. Looking at the book it's a basic oil and filter service so £150 is acceptable.




ok so rang David Cook today and they want £159, however if you are looking for a intermediate service they have an offer on at £99 for any SEAT, VW or Skoda which seems pretty good to me if you want an official stamp in the book.

Makes me wonder though, for the 20k service how can there be £80 difference across a dealer network for the same service to the manufacturer's schedule? 20 quid here or there fair enough, but £80? Just goes to show it's worth shopping around, don't just go for the first quote assuming it'll be the same everywhere.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)