alarm plip problem


tonight locking my car my plip had stipped working, so i then opened it again to try it again and it then bleeped once when unlocking it, the unlock plip is 2 beeps though. i checked with vag com that the beep was off on open and it wa but still made this beep when opening. i then turned the lock beep off in vag com even though its not beeping, this has now stopped the beeping on opening. anyone else had this problem before. the car still locks and arms fine. any ideas will be greatfull. ill try and turn the beep on for locking tomorrow and see if it does the same thing. also does it on both remote keys i have.

cheers gaz


The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006
AFAIK if the fob battery is going dead and or the button is pressed a lot when outside of the range, it can cause programing problems and cause keys to need to be re paired to the car


both keys work fine its just the beep was working wrong way around ie bleeping on opening instead of closing


reset it this morning just left window open and alarm isnt working. fuse is ok this is pissing me of now lol


well all sorted opened all door and the boot then closed them well and all back to normal looks like boot sensor wasnt contacting properly. thinking about it rear wash jet has stopped working so prob leaking on the sensor!!! cheers for your replies though nath :)


nope has to use vag com. found the main problem wipers were going mental this morning! rear washer hose has poped off and tailgat is full of screen wash!!!


im using the 311.1 older version think there is a 409 and now 6** something


time for a MINI adventure
what is this vag com thingy all about. i don't have a bleep when i lock/unlock my car, would like one tho...what do i need to do to have it programmed? will my dealer do it for me, or will i look a pleb askin? i can hardly hear my car lock/unlock sometimes, and the lights flash that quickly that sometimes i have to double check i've done it properly. lol
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