Thanks for the replys.
No the fans dont work when the air con is off. I will have a look at the pollen filter, hopefully that will solve it.
Out of interest does anyone know how much a new fan would cost?
But I thought that you said in your original posting that you could hear the fan working but no air was coming out - I'd definately take the filter out first and try again - the heater/cloor fan that sends the air around is quite noisy and you should be able to hear it from the N/S of the car.
I am assuming that you have manual A/C - so, and I don't know the answer, does this system not use a dropper resistor - which might of failed - does it not work at maximum speed when no resistance is switched in. Also maybe you need to check the actual switch (sorry for being vague but my cars all have Climatronic).
If you stick your head in ubder the glove box and look upwards - you will see what is the bottom face of the air box - slide two clips sideways so that they are now over a cut-out in that plate - then pull the plate down (I have not been there for about a year so memory is a bit vague - you might need to place something on the mat below to catch anything like rubbish that falls out - take care of eyes! Be prepared for some hard swearing when you try to fit it back on - getting it right first time is the way forward - but that is too easy!!).