3 Beeps on start-up



I've read a few threads about the dreaded 3 beeps on engine start - but my symptoms are a little different.

When I put the key in the ignition, all lights come on as expected then I start the car and the ABS light flashes for a split second and the 3 beeps go off.

I read the manual cover to cover 3 times and the only time my mk4 should beep is when the coolant level is too high. I checked this and it was fine.

I think it could have something to do with the brake pads, but the car has only done 14,000 miles, I purchased it a couple of weeks back. My question is; has anyone had the same problem and fixed it? And/or should I go back to the dealer and get them to look at it?

The problem does seem to be intermittent, that's the annoying thing.

Cheers :wtf:


hi james, I tried that but it only does the sound once, after that its just normal. :confused:
Oct 17, 2006
Mid Wales
Don't trust the manual for telling you when the car will/won't beep!!!

It beeps for just about everything in my experience!!

If it's cold, if you're low on fuel, if the handbrakes not right down.....

It sounds like possibly an abs fault !?!


hi leigh, it might be because of the cold weather. The temperature outside is always 15 degrees or less when/if it beeps.

I take my handbrake off after starting the engine, don't you? If it beeps on start up beause of the handbrake being on, then thats gay.

I'm hoping its not an ABS fault, but I might get it checked out.


Mar 8, 2006
i had this wen i chaneged my brakes it turnd out to be the brake fluid level, i just toped it up all was well hope this helps


I beeps once on restart?

Are there any warning lights apart from the single beep on restart?

When you get the 3 beeps does anything flash?

Sorry, I meant "it only does the 3 beeps sound once". There are no other warning lights apart from a brief flash of the ABS (and I mean brief, blink and you'll miss it).

i had this wen i chaneged my brakes it turnd out to be the brake fluid level, i just toped it up all was well hope this helps

Cheers for the advise, I will try this tonight and let you know how I get on.


soon 2B 2 wheeler!
Jun 16, 2006
i've had the three beeps happen to me once and that was because for some reason i put on the handbrake before i turned off the engine:blink: , i wouldn't use the three beeps as a diagnostic as all of the posts i've read have all ended up being differant faults, it could be something to do with your CC/air con as that causes a beep on start up if it needs re-gassing, or it could your ABS but the light does flash on quickly when self testing on start up. or it could be a combination of differant faults ie ABS, Air con and Handbrake:D . sorry this post isn't much help for finding out your particular fault but i didn't want you to get something fixed and still have the problem


a.k.a James
Jun 12, 2005
J2 M5
If it's in warrenty just take it straight to a dealers and get them to check it out.

Probably nothing really serious but not worth the risk either way IMHO. :)


Hi again guys. I checked the brake fluid, and its fine. All other liquids are fine and caps are on ok.

I think its possible that the ABS sensor is damp and as a result its confusing the system. I say this because I purchased the car when we were having a spell of sunny weather and it never did it - as soon as the damp sets in and we get the odd shower here and there, it starts doing the intermittant 3 beeps.

Having said that, I agree with davels - it could be anything!

If it's in warrenty just take it straight to a dealers and get them to check it out.

It is still in warrenty (1 year left) so I think I will take it to them if it continues to piss me off. :blink:


soon 2B 2 wheeler!
Jun 16, 2006
ha ha. since posting on this the other day i had it happen again lol.
everything seem ok though apart from the didgy turbo.


mine always does it dont know why sometimes it beeps sometimes it dosenst i just dont take notice of it anymore!


The Gentlemans Express
Jan 1, 2006
mine has not done the 3 beeps since I changed my starting routine

I don't wait for the idiot lights to go off any more I just put the key in and start immediately

I got into the habit of waiting for the glow plug light to go off with older company cars that I had

off topic but,

I have a diesel astra on a 05 plate now and I aint seen a glow plug light even listed in the owners book, I trust that diesels still have them for very cold starting
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