
  1. heatfan8

    Wobbling TDi engine

    Ok guys, my engine wobbles about loads, especially on the right hand side. What could be at fault and how easy is it to sort out? Thanks
  2. Rear wheels wobbling

    Yes another thread lol, My friend who was driving behind me last night said that my rear wheels were wobbling, ive had my mirrors down on them today and they are quite bad, the wheels are tighted up and there near play in the bearing, only other things are that my wheels are buckled (even tho i...
  3. Odd Wobbling Sensation

    Hi All, I was hoping someone migth be able to make some suggestions as to why my car feels like it's kind of swaying from side to side. I know that sounds odd but it almost feels like the wheels are loose, I obviously chekced all the bolts and they are fine. I thought it might be the...