
  1. lcr fuel pump or walbro ?????

    as title really which one is the best to use for bt applications i no walbro is cheapest but is it the best ?? thanks for help .
  2. Yosh

    WALBRO In Tank Pump

    Hi there, has anyone tried the above replacement fuel pump in their CUPRAs yet? Any feedback would be appreciated as I have recently acquired this pump and need to decide if I should keep it or swop it for an inline pump...
  3. DaNnY_LaD

    Walbro Fuel Inline Pump (2 Wires)

    Righto I have a walbro Inline fuel pump 255lph version and its all mounted up and secured with brackets and i used Braided fuel lines and AN fittings too.. But there only 2 wires i have to connect up...Can anybody tell me were they are..~? I know you have to splice in to the Fuel Pump...
  4. gazcuprablk

    wiring up walbro fuel pump

    any ideas how i go about doin this as i have not got any idea how or what 2 wire it up2 any help please i know where 2 fit it but not wire it up
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