vcds coding

  1. Ibiza 6L default values and VCDS question

    Hi all. Does anyone have the VCDS default values for a Ibiza 6L 1.2L 64HP - AZQ engine ? I need them, but I cant find them anywhere online. My bad, did not made a backup first before doind any changes. I'm dealing with some issues on my car, and im trying to proper solve them 1 by 1. Some on...
  2. LED to HALOGEN headlight conversion

    Hello all, So new to the forum as I am looking to purchase a 2016 pre-facelift Mk3 FR with LED headlights, that is no longer under warranty. Beautiful car, very tidy, well kept, low mileage, everything as it should be............then I read this forum about the LED headlights, the...
  3. Tell

    Coding and programming OBDeleven Tool for VCDS type of activity... working ones for the Ateca Part 2 of 2

    DLR On / Off via Light Switch or Tick on the Car Menu to Turn DLR on or off This is the one that you might want to do before starting off on long mods with the OBDEleven. With the engine running you have the option to turn off the DLRs so for any reason you have the engine running and don't...
  4. VCDS /obdeleven near Milton Keynes

    Hi New to the forum after some help on here finally installed the correct rain light sensor and switch for auto-lights in my mk3 leon fr As expected it fault codes everytime auto on so i need it coded properly. As i have an iphone and cant get hold of the new OBDeleven i need someone with it...
  5. Vcds/ foxwell help

    So today i plug in a foxwell diagnostic tool into my 2014 leon but it disnt give me a long coding read helper only coding yet on a 2011 audi a4 it give me the lont coding helper does anyone know a way to get this to show or does anyone no of a site where i can find the full codes instead of the...
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