vcds ateca

  1. Tell

    Coding and programming Enabling Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) with VCDS / OBDEleven for vehicles with Lane Assist

    This mod should work across all recent Seat / VW and Skoda vehicles to 2019 with Lane Assist if it was not delivered as part of an option. Vag group revised programming new 2020 models, check programming documentation of tool supplier for current situation on SFD protectiin. Recently (circa...
  2. Tell

    OBDeleven Tool for VCDS type of activity... working ones for the Ateca

    This thread covers the use of the OBDeleven tool with worked, tested results on the Ateca 2016 - 2019 models. Check Obdeleven website for news on programming the new 2020 models on progress of this "The programming temporarily is not supported on models that are manufactured from 2020 and have...
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