
  1. TKB

    Unplugged Soundaktor gets wet

    Hello, I am a new Formentor VZ2 owner and after reading quite a bunch of threads here with useful information, I decided to join this forum. I too, as many of you, was not very pleased with the sound of the car in the Cupra mode while idling so I followed Agnes.Surrey guide on how to disconnect...
  2. unplugging the n75

    if i was to unplug the n75 valve (electrically not hoses ) would this mean i would be running actuator pressure? reason i ask becuase my map isnt right and i would rather run less boost then damage my engine?
  3. __B3NNY__

    Unplugging maf sensor?

    Ok so ive just searched but couldnt find anything, im having some boost issues at the moment and wanted to unplug my maf to see if it would run anybetter, I understand that the maf connects to the airbox and the other end joins the TIP and the N75 sits in the maf? but if im looking to unplug the...
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