
  1. MrDGOrman

    Audio systems Double din conversion tutorial

    Hello everyone. There has been plenty of these on forums (id imagine) but I never really understood half the things people did when doing their conversion (modifying a single din console to fit a double din headunit). Now this can be a difficult and time consuming mod, so if anyone wants this...
  2. lawrieIbizaMk4

    changing rear number plate lights, tutorial needed

    can some1 give me a quick tutorial on changing the rear number plate lights?
  3. Rear ARB Tutorial?

    Hi everyone, as above, just looking if there is one of these for the Whiteline kit? I've been doing some searches to try avoid adding needless threads but no joy. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Many thanks in advance :)
  4. kyle'87

    Custom Dial Tutorial for download...

    Finally got some spare time to do the tutorial, download it and see what you think. Let me know if anything should be added and I will do so. Cheers guys, kyle :D Custom Dial Tutorial :happy:
  5. Tutorial : Fitting s3 Intercooler

    http://leon2passion.com/tutorials-leon-2-f24/montage-d-un-echangeur-s3-sur-nos-leon-t2810.htm in french but pics say it all really !
  6. custom front grill tutorial..

    not too bad ! http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=fr_en&trurl=http%3a%2f%2fleon2passion.com%2ftutorials-leon-2-f24%2ftuto-creation-calandre-perso-made-in-espagnol-t2907.htm
  7. FinerDetails

    Full-on detail and tutorial

    I know this car wasn't a SEAT but its the same met black as the seats, and the detail is worth sharing with you guys, its very rare I put a non-SEAt car in here but think you'd appreciate this one!! ;) ;) ;) Back again to a customer of mine, this is the daily runner for work etc. Its used...
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