
  1. Black_Car

    TURBO-BACK Miltek for the LC

    Was looking at the Miltek website Interested in the 'TURBO-BACK INCLUDING HI-FLOW SPORTS CAT' - but next to this it says 'Designed for highly tuned cars especially those with turbo upgrades' @ http://www.millteksport.com/exhaust.products.cfm?variantid=100 Does that mean i cant have...
  2. Damo

    Supersprint full turbo-back exhaust

    Due to my current downpipe on the verge of disintegration, I've decided to treat myself to a whole new system. I know there's a couple of options out there (Blueflame and Milltek) but I wouldn't mind trying something a bit different and wondered if anyone's tried a full Supersprint race system...
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