
  1. permanent TPMS error

    I have a permanent TPMS error: this summer my leon 2.0 tsi went out of battery, when i changed the battery everything worked again but the TPMS system. I can't reset the tyre pressure because the menu is greyed. You have any idea to solve this ? I thought it could be a fuse but i can't find a...
  2. Ninjakebab

    Tyre pressure sensor system actually works pretty well

    The Formentor doesn't come with a TPMS for actual readouts of pressure, but instead i guess it uses the ABS or suspension to gauge if the tyre pressure is off. The other day after going through roadwork I found a screw in the tyre, wen't to a tyre shop immediately and brought my little portable...
  3. TPMS useless?

    Yesterday I've got a flat tire, a metal screw punctured it. I've got a warning from an aftermarket TPMS system immediately as the pressure started dropping; the built-in system gave no indication at all that anything was wrong. I've managed to find a place to park when the pressure dropped to...
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