
  1. jonnie5

    Maguiars terry towel

    Just purchased one of these and found it hard not to leave water marks. Its there a nack to using these? Also clayed my car for the first time, using mags quick detailer, I seam to use quite a bit of the spray, can I just use water when this runs out as I think the spray will be gone before...
  2. YIN

    Which Mitt and Towel

    Had my new cupra 3 weeks an have a few slight scratches had isolated my problem down to my drying technique. So have brought some megs last touch. I am know about to order new mits and towels but are unsure on what to get So the question is which combo do you all use:think: thanks Jon
  3. Nick_J

    How to clean a Pboys waffle weave towel

    Hi Whats the best way to wash waffle weave towel? I have a few pulls in the material, and have contacted motorgeek about it as I only just purchased it, i dont think I caused the damage to the towel as the towel didnt seem to catch on any lettering on my car! Cheers Nick
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