ticking noise

  1. My new Formentor produce ticking sound when turning at low speed or stationary

    Hi guys, I hear ticking sound coming from front (i think) when turning at low speeds (less than 10km/s) or stationary. The sound increases after long trips such as 50-60km and can be heard easily. In the morning, the sound is faint but i hear when i listen carefully. The car is brand new with...
  2. Ticking Noise from engine of '16 SEAT Leon 1.6 Diesel

    Hi All, Recently picked up a 2016 SEAT Leon 1.6 Diesel and noticed a ticking noise coming from the engine on the drivers side. First time driving a SEAT and my initial worry is the timing belt and more specifically the tensioner. I have a 12 month warranty from an independent dealer but...
  3. Leon MK3 seat change and engine ticking

    Have a seat Leon MK3 142 reg. Was looking to change the seats as they were just big standard was wondering if Octavia Vrs seats would fit in easily or should I just look for an FR from a scrappy and take the two front seats out of it. Also a loud ticking noise coming from right side of the...
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