
  1. predo

    unusual noise when stationary

    I noticed that there is a strange noise when car is stationary, i.e on traffic lights etc. Dont laugh! It sounds like very faint engaged/busy telephone tone. Hardly audible but if stereo is off and climate control isnt working you can just about hear it. Beeep Beeep Beeep. Its there pretty...
  2. Car cut out while stationary

    This has happened twice in 2 weeks now. I have been sat in traffic, in neutral and the engine has just cut out. Is this a battery/alternator problem? The battery light on the dash might be a clue to this problem i think! Just want some thoughts? The battery was replaced last year, so surely...
  3. Air Conditioning Not cold when stationary? Any Ideas?

    Noticed the other day that when I was waiting in traffic, the air from the vents was heating up to a point that its not chilled any more even tho it was cold when moving. The indicator on the climate is still on but just pumping warm air. As soon as Im on the move again, it goes back to a normal...
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