
  1. Drax

    Static Ibiza 6L (Mk4) from Poland

    Hi! I've been looking here for some inspiration when starting to modify my shitbox so why not show you what I made in the latest 2 years of owning this garbage. Current modifications Engine: Yes xD 1.9 TDI ATD (101hp) full straight pipe (stock diameter, makes 116dB) Interior/Car Audio: Custom...
  2. SalSheikh

    Static Shocks of Leon

    Guys, dont know if you suffer from this but now and again i get some static shocks off the car and its really annoying, any remedies for this? Mods, feel free to moe if this is in the incorrect section.
  3. 22.1 A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, static open

    OK so after having no air con through the winter, I'm now starting to want to get it sorted... The error code is as per title - 22.1 A/C Refrigerant High Pressure Switch, static open The radiator fans do not come on when the air con is turned on on the climatronic unit which I have seen...
  4. Kogi

    Surging effect when cruising on static revs

    Guys, I have recently remapped my engine with OBDTuning software and installed an open filter from Simota, the guys from my tuning workshop believe that it should gain around 225HP to my LeonFR (2005). Now I have an interesting problem, turbo surging when surfing on static revs, pay...
  5. smoothuk

    Static electric..

    Ok, so its not me being a girl, but was just wondering if anyone else suffered with an electric shock every time they get out there Leon. Its driving me mad, but its also funny letting ppl get out first then go to close the door...was just wondering if anyone else suffered with this?????? Matt.
  6. Static electric shocks!

    Is it just me or is anyone else afraid to get out of there Leon R as you get electrocuted if you touch the door to close it?. Seems everytime I get out my car I get a right static shock! I have the cloth seats and even tried wearing different clothes but I tend to build up electric...