
  1. RobT

    Pastywagon sprint dates 2010 - Overall championship win!

    Now then all Thought I would get a thread started about 2010 prep - to motivate me as much as anything given the very cold weather and current total lack of enthusiasm to get in the garage. Moved house last year so didn't enter the 2009 Liverpool and Chester Speed Championship, but...
  2. Sprint booster

    has anyone heard of this unit ??? and is anyone using it??? if so have you seen felt a difference??? any good???? SPRINT BOOSTER: www.sprint-booster.co.uk
  3. Vin-R

    Sprint Booster LCR

    Hi guys, got a quick question. I added a comment onto a previous thread abt the TIP for the Leon Cupra R. and if i would notice any "noticeable" gains if i fitted one to my standard car with just a green panel, and a forge 007 valve. most ppl said no it wont be a noticeable gain and that i...
  4. Whats this sprint booster?

    This Sprint Booster will fit all Leon 1P vehicles. Most cars in the 21st century have replaced the more conventional throttle cable for an ECM, Electronic Control Module, that translates how hard the pedal is pushed into electronic signals in order to provide power to the wheels. The ETC...
  5. RobT

    petition to save curborough sprint track

    http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/YesCurb/ We need to get some serious forum action going on this one please mods.... This petition is to save curborough sprint track from being made into an eco-town This is the ONLY permanent sprint venue in the UK, the only place that can be hired and run...
  6. RobT

    Pastywagon Sprint Dates 2008 - NEW 2009 prep

    Hi Oh yes, its getting to that time again, the weathers getting warmer and the motorsport season beckons. 2007 was a good year, numerous pots collected and a overall class win the competitive Liverpool and Chester MC Speed Champs. Think I came 7th overall in the end and may have been on for...
  7. v-g

    Sprint Booster, again.

    Got this today: I just had to put it on, even though it would be hard to get a feel on how much a difference it makes, because it rains today. Man! This is one insane little thing! The moment I touched the pedal, I could feel it! And this was just in reverse in the garage! Out on the...
  8. RobDon

    Sprint Booster

    I was invited up to Star Performance to try out one of these Sprint Booster modules, which is supposed to transform the throttle response on drive-by-wire cars, so I went up - had one fitted which only takes about 5 mins (unplug the cable to the pedal, fit the module and plug back in) - then...
  9. Dolly_Gti

    Dollys Day Out.. Curborough Sprint

    mainly Old skool escorts but heres a few pics. there was a mk3 ibiza 20vt reg plate read ROCKET.. or close enough :(
  10. karlosR

    has anybody heard of a sprint booster?

    i saw this in PVW this month and it has raised my interests http://www.sprint-booster.co.uk/what_is_sprint_booster.asp appaently on DBW cars it modifies the signal from the throttle body to the ECU or something clever like that. it is supposed to sharpen throttle response no end and generally...
  11. RobT

    PastyWagon Racing Sprint Dates 2007

    PastyWagon Racing 2007 Results Hi Well after 2006 stopping before it even started, I am hoping for more luck in 2007. This year I have entered the Liverpool Motor Club Speed Championship in Class 3b (Modified Production) and Division 2 (6 rounds). You have to select 6 from a possible 18 and...
  12. Colin C

    Super Sprint exhaust

    I desperately need an exhaust system for my Cordie 1.6 SX. It's been blowing for a while now but the MOT is due in August so it needs replacing :( I can get a geniune system very cheap but I fancy something different, if it's got to be replaced I have just aswell replace it with a...
  13. RobT

    Pastywagon Racing Sprint Dates 2006

    Hi Finally settled on race dates for 2006 - going to do the Curborough Sprint Champs again and also Division 2 of the Liverpool and Chester Champs (best 5 from 6 rounds rather than the best 8 from 15 that is D1). Curby Champs is best 6 from 9 events. Curby: May 14 May 21 July 2 July 9 Aug 13...
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