
  1. DOLBY

    boost spiking quite high...LCR

    Ok so i have a stage 1 LCR with defi guages so im fairly confident they arent lying to me, but ever since getting my car back from the crash repair yard, the boosting on my car is slightly worrying.... Stage 1 custom code should spike at 1.5 bar and hold 1.2/1.3 bar through the rev...
  2. claudefrog

    boost spiking (need to reduce boost pressure a little with bleed valve )

    Hello I need to know if anyone here have fitted a bleed valve to their car with the n75 valve in place still. Reason im asking is my car is spiking too often and making the car go into limp mode, so speaking with Simon Coe from CCCtech ( not an upsolute chip in the car ) but he has been...
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