
  1. Tagsy87

    soaking footwell

    my rear passengers footwell is soaking think i have a leaking door seal going to test tonight but was wonderign what the best way to get rid of the water is as there seems to be soo much of it its unreal it looks like someone emptied a bath tub in my footwell :(
  2. Rear Screen Washer Soaking Boot

    I've onyl had my LCR a few months and the rear windscreen washer's never worked. I had a look the other day to see if I could fix it... and I found out where all the water had been going when I kept trying it - the boot!!! The water's getting to somewhere near the wiper but coming out of...
  3. Cheap tip -- soaking VNT actuator link in WD40

    On the Passat PDs the turbo and VNT mechanism is at the front and side of the engine, exposed to road spray, salt etc that gets through the radiator. I wondered if this would cause the actuator linkage to get a bit sticky over time. Over the weekend I got a small can of WD40 and soaked the...
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