

    Leon shudder, please help!

    Hi all A friend of mine has a Leon mk2 1.9 Tdi and has been having really bad problems when he warm starts it. The engine vibrates/shudders like mad and it has to be turned off and back on again. Stealers have changed the clutch, done the flywheel check/replacement and have told him to use...
  2. Problemo... shudder, halt and engine management light

    Hi, new member here... I have a 54 plate 1.2 12v Ibiza from new. About a fortnight ago, the yellow deformed tap engine electric fault diagnosis light came on. Unfortunately, cash and time have been tight and it has been coming on every 2-3 days since. Car is getting progressively worse to...
  3. altea phil

    shudder on tickover

    I have recently noticed a strange engine "shudder" on my 1.9TDi Altea. It only occurs when the engine is at tickover, AND is fully warmed up. If I increase the revs it stops, but returns again when the revs drop back to idle. I am aware of the DMF issues with various models, and assume that...
  4. djcTDi

    1st gear shudder but only when cold

    I get this weird problem when the engine is cold every morning. As I pull away the car shudders once, kind of on the biting point, and then all is fine. It only happens in first (ive tried pulling away in second and thats fine) and it only happens when the engine is cold. It feels like...
  5. Bondiblu

    1.9 TDI clutch shudder

    Hi Guys, Got a slight problem. When the car is cold, the clutch seems to shudder even in reverse during the transition. As it warms up this seems to get better. It also seems to happen at low revs if I give a bit of go go juice. Anybody had this, and managed to get it sorted? On first...
  6. Shudder, egr, hesitant etc help

    Ok so I have been reading throughout the tdi search after having my tdi ibiza fr for a month, i am experiencing the shudder, hesitation etc at 175-2 revs. I have got the car booked in for the 10th when I am back off holiday, I was just wondering has anyone taken theirs to the garage and actually...
  7. Altea shudder

    Bought a pre reg 1.9 Stylance diesel Aug '06. It has an intermittent shudder when I accelerate to 55 & above that speed shudder disappears. Car been in dealer workshop 4 times. They have contacted the technical dept in Milton Keynes who apart from suggesting changing the wheel bearing, couldn't...
  8. MAdMAtt84

    Shudder like hicup about 1.5-8k revs

    Shudder like hicup about 1.5-8k revs - UPDATED I dont know what to call this or how to describe it but i'll try. Car: 06 FR PD130 (2 weeks old) Miles: 1050 What it should do:Starts fine, turns off fine, restarts fine, revs fine, mog is excellent trip recons 60mpg at times fuel / mile -...
  9. magic77

    engine shudder

    does anyone get this when they switch the engine off. I always give about 60 seconds at least when I stop driving and when I turn the car off the engine shudders/ judders as it switches off. I could have sworn it use to swithc off a lot smoother. Any thouhgts ?? :confused:
  10. LCR Steering shudder (not wheel balancing)

    Having a bit of a pain with my car. Has developed a shudder through the steering wheel from around 75Mph to 85Mph. Above and below it's fine. Have had all 4 wheels checked and balanced yesterday. Had them re-balanced this morning but shudder is still there. Anyone have any suggestions...
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