
  1. Ibiza 6j gear shifter ball housing

    Hello, I want to replace the plastic housing around the ball in my gear shifter but can’t seem to figure out how to release it. Its an Ibiza 6j 2010 1.2tdi. I saw this video regarding mk5 volkswagens, and it says to press in the 4 release tabs, but mine does not have those tabs. the piece I am...
  2. Grat

    Forge short shift

    Hey people just wondering is it hard to fit a LCr forge short shift kit? Cheers
  3. Paddle Shift fitted to 1.6 DSG ??

    Hi All, Does anyone know (possibly "Techie"), if you can fit FR/Cupra Steering wheel with Paddle shift controls to a 1.6 SC Sport with DSG???
  4. Moffat

    Short shift non-fitting

    A mate of mine just got a new quicksfift for his Audi S3, as he didn't like the Forge one on it. So he offered me his for £30. rude not to i thought. I've just been out trying to fit it there, and it wont go onto the spined shaft on my gearbox. I thought they were the same for all 6 speed VAGS...
  5. K3mist

    shift solenoid valve code

    Has anyone come across an error code that points to the shift solenoid valve? My Leon TDI went into the garage last week to fix the coolant temp sensor, after the Engine Management light came on. Today on the way to work it pops back on and the garage has said that the error code is now...
  6. Changing the gear shift

    I drive an 04 plate which has the rectangle shape long gear shift and gaitor. I would like to replace it with the Audi TT round one like this one in the picture. Is it possible? Is it difficult? Is it major bit of work to do? Cheers
  7. Nautilus

    Illuminated Shift Knob From Rieger... where to get?

    My Dear Friends, I've discovered the existence of a shift knob from Rieger with illuminated shift pattern, seemingly available for Mk IV Golfs, Beetles, A4s... more details here:
  8. Funkyfin2000

    THS Short Shift

    Hi All, Any one got one fo the above on their Cupra R? I was looking at getting some other THS stuff (Tip) and saw their short shift is also cheaper than forge. Anyone using one, i guess they all do the same job?> Rich
  9. Short shift kits

    Got a mk2 golf with ibiza o2j cable change in does anyone recomend a short shift kit? or is there anyway of modifiying the original to have a bit shorter throw?
  10. Razor

    Short Shift ?

    Can we change the Gear stick to a short shift changer (stumpy size) Or am I dreaming lol Thanks
  11. J0N

    Glow Shift Boost Gauge

    Has anyone got a day and night pic of this gauge? I'm sure I've seen one on here but can't seem to find it!
  12. In Addition to a short shift?

    Hi Guys, have been reading about a short shift for a while and i think i am going to get one. Woop! but, has anyone shortend the actual gear stick? Like on some audis the actual gear knob is really low. Has anyone done this, and is there any need to do it? Thanks
  13. __B3NNY__

    Fitting TT short shift.

    Not really a problem, for you guys that have fitted the TT short shift was it just a matter undoing the bolt that holds the shifter down and giving it a really good pull? Reason i ask is ive done just this and i cant seem to budge it, I wasnt sure if there was a certain way of getting it...
  14. Funkyfin2000

    Shoft Shift for a TDI150?

    Hi All, Which shoft shifter is usable for a TDI Leon mk1 150?? Fancy one as i use to it no my Cupra R but note that Forge's doesn't work for the 1.9tdi! Any ideas? Rich
  15. Short shift

    Hi guys, was looking at short shifs on forge website are they a gd bit of gear to buy or just a waste of money?. and does any one know of any gd induction kits for seat leon cupra r 210 thanks:clap:
  16. Damoegan

    Removing gear shift bracket from gearbox (20VT)

    Basically following on from my previouse thread of making a diy short shifter for the mk4 ibiza (I cant finde my previouse thread though but it was similare to this thrad). I'm trying to remove the gear shift bracket off the top of the gearbox but it wonte come off for love nor money. It has...
  17. Fl@pper

    sequential shift lights

    now most of em as kits etc come with 3/4/5 lights tops but using led's i reckon i've sussed how to make a diy 10 lamp one that can be set down low to high i.e. full time but if in a row of 10 what do reckon be best ? Left to Right 12345678910 or GGGGYYOORR green/yellow/orange/red or from...
  18. will this short shift kit fit? simple answer. yes or no. Says it had adaptors to fit different boxes from 1998 onwards.
  19. F2 Ed

    Short Shift

    Anyone got one? I feel stick travel is much too much on my GTI. They any good? Anyone got pics of one fitted? :think:
  20. newbie quick shift help

    Hi Guys, Just fitted a forge quick shift, i followed the fitting instructions and all seemed well until the test drive. It is now very difficult to change from 5th to 6th. I can go from 4th to 6th with ease. Having re fitted the original part all gears now work as before. Any ideas...