
  1. vidko321

    car shaking and epc light on

    Hello I had a great day so today on the motorway I got a flashing engine light and then an EPC light. The car immediately slowed down from 135km to 100km and started shaking. Up to that point, none of the hazard lights were on. The car then stood still for 20 mins then refused to start...
  2. Car juddering violently on idle

    ondering if anyone can help in at my wits end. Had my car just over a year, from the moment I bought it it’s had a really rough idle. It was a leaner car and now a first time driver car however my partner took it on the motorway. It judders violently but only doesn’t intermittently. I have...
  3. Engine shaking Even after Glowplug replacement

    Hello Guys Thank you for contribution on this forum, i learned a lot, thanks to you. My problem : I have a 2016 Seat Leon, 1,6 TDi and the engine is shaking dramaticly, i have changed 3 glow plug, the one with a sensor i kept the original, I have no engine sign. When the car is at...
  4. TKB

    Vibration at high speeds problem

    So on November I had to change the oil/filters on my Formentor so I went to the dealership and asked to swap my tires to winter tires while I'm there. Immediately after changing the tires, when I got on the highway heading back to home I felt huge vibration at around 100km/h. The vibration could...
  5. Seat Leon fr184 strange shaking when driving

    So I got a leon fr 184 2013, I have a stage shaking when I drive low speed high speed doesn’t matter, what’s strange is the shaking comes and goes, it shakes like 5 seconds after that is smooth like 5 seconds than shaking comes back and so on, I can feel the shake around 20-30 mph, but anyway is...
  6. shaking the engine realy bad on idle wen cold!

    hi all i started my car at work and its shaking the engine realy bad on idle wen cold... i have to keep the revs up to keep this away. i took the car for a wee drive and u can here the turbo but there no power at all :S but no smoke from the car what so ever ? im realy confused and a bit...
  7. Steering wheel shaking at speed

    Hi folks first post! Need a bit of help with my FR, when going at speed my steering wheel now shakes and when I come off the accelerator the steering wheel jolts slightly to the right. The wheels have been all balanced so I know its not that. Will it be just be the bushes needing replaced or...
  8. help! steering wheel shaking left and right??

    my steering wheel every so often shakes slightly left to right. it worsens if speed up or slows if i slow down. had a visual check underneith today but nothing jumping out as wrong. everything seems tight. checked p/steering fluid its above min. all bushes look correct joints look in...
  9. NickyJam

    FR TDi idle shaking

    hey guys dunno if anyone else is having lots of vibrating in the cabin when sitting in idle? i think it's due to the clutch as when i move the gear knob as if it's going into gear it stops, and when the clutch is pressed it stops... it started a few months back but wasn't
  10. tgorman

    Rattling Shaking Noise Coming From the Rear

    is on a lcr ive got a rattling noise coming from the rear when i go over a bump but i have no idea what it is ive removed the spare wheel and it isnt the exhaust either any help would be great thanks
  11. JR750

    gearstick shaking when in neutral

    When im in neutral the gearstick is shaking/vibrating... is this normal? (Turbo Diesel)
  12. Problem with Leon 1P (steering wheel is shaking)

    Hello, I have a problem with my seat, the car has had periodic tremors since I bought it. It now has run 50,000 km, and I've tried a lot, 2 new sets of tires, one with the other rims, and have had 2 tracking times and balanced the tires a lot of times it has not helped, so it must be something...
  13. Engine shaking a little

    Hi, I've had my Ibiza 130 for about 14 months now and since i've got it I have noticed that on some occasions when I stop at traffic lights the engine seems to shake a little and as a result it feels as the car is shaking. it does it for about 2 seconds and then it stops for about 3-4 seconds...
  14. Shaking..

    Hi... Lately when i go over say about 100 the front end vibrates and the dash shakes, I have recently put one of the rear wheels onto the front but i dont think its that Any ideas...
  15. IainW

    Shaking engine?

    Today when i took my car from the lockup, i heard a small rattling noise, so i opened the bonnet and the engine was shaking a bit. Now i've never had the bonnet open whilst the engine is running yet, so is this normal? I don't think it is. Called SEAT assistance out and getting them to check it...